Acupressure and acupuncture are both Eastern treatment methods that target energy points on the human body: acupressure applies manual pressure, while acupuncture involves the insertion of needles. Acupuncture is regarded as a subtler and more complex method, typically practiced in specialized clinics of Chinese medicine. In contrast, acupressure and its Western equivalent, reflexology, are categorizedRead more ⟶
Category: Foot Massage
Chiang Mai is a great place to try a Thai massage. A city of forward-thinking dynamism mixed with traditional culture, it’s the best of both worlds and there’s a great selection of massage places that reflect this eclectic mix.
Massages in Thailand are so cheap compared to the western world that you can afford to try a bunch of different styles and techniques while you’re here. Here’s our run-down of the best places to grab a relaxing massage in Chiang Mai.